ERA4SE has started!
Agrupamento de Escolas José Estêvão is coordinating a new Project called Nurturing the new force of Erasmus Champions in School Education KA2- Agreement Number:2020-1-PT01-KA201-078388 together with partners from different countries Greece, Italy, Spain and another Portuguese partner. The ERA4SE project is a 24months initiative fostering synergies in those 4 countries aiming to boost schools’ motivation and capacity to successfully generate, participate, implement and valorize Erasmus+. In this endeavor, school partners have strategically entered in regional collaborations with official authorities for Teachers Continuous Professional Development (TCPDAs) and experienced Consultancy companies, with the goal to pilot test a supportive methodology establishing within the schools, teams of teachers/superheroes that can cope with the Erasmus+ program, navigate the opportunities, translate their needs into projects and participate in international initiatives generating meaningful impact for the school and the local community. For this, it will develop resources, tools and courses that guide step-by-step the school to become an exemplary role model that unleashes the transformative power of international collaborative initiatives under the Erasmus+.
1. General objectives
1.1 Support educators, youth workers, educational leaders and support staff.
1.2 Allow the educational community to successfully merge the educational practice with the projects’ reality.
1.3 Creation of supportive tools, a step-by-step methodology implemented and guiding courses introduced.
1.4 Strengthening the profile of the teaching professions In that sense, the Initial Teacher Education (ITE) is seen as the start, and after it every professional will.
1.5 Elevate teachers’ career and carve his/her own path following the individual interests and aligning with the organization culture. In that context, teacher development and school development are interconnected processes.
1.6 Development of new skills, competences and qualities are expected to impact on daily practice in schools.
1.7 The profile of the teaching profession will be strengthened as the educator attains the new identity.
1.8 Building capacity for promoting and facilitating recognition of learning periods abroad.
1.9 Include measures and practices to organize, implement and evaluate international learning activities and their compliance to school curricula, so that can be graded/awarded to the students.
From January to March the consortium had two important meetings to start working together so that we can achieve the goals of the Project and start to accomplish the tasks related to IO’s 1 and 3 of ER4SE. The project includes Transnational meetings and Learning Teaching Training Activities besides the two mentioned IO’s. During the meetings the consortium approved the following important tools to go on with the Project: Dissemination Plan and Quality Plan. Regarding IO1 the partners agreed in divided up the different tasks and go on with them.
For more information you can contact Alexandros Koukovinis at [email protected] and Rita Sousa at [email protected]