ERA4SE – SUPERTEAMS are ready to go!

ERA4SE – SUPERTEAMS are ready to go!

The ERA4SE Consortium gathered today Friday, 6th of May to evaluate the progress of the project and set the guidelines that will allow the participating schools to end their activities belonging to the Intellectual Output 1: FOUNDING THE ERASMUS+ SUPERTEAMS. The meeting allowed to exchange ideas and monitor the schedules of the different activities. A…

Short-term joint staff training event – “Preparing for the project challenges” (Aveiro, March 2022)

Short-term joint staff training event – “Preparing for the project challenges” (Aveiro, March 2022)

During the last week of March, the Agrupamento de Escolas José Estevão from Aveiro hosted a 3-day training for teachers participating in the ERA4SE project. The activity, organized by INOVA+, focused on how to face the different challenges that appear when developing any EU-funded project. The training was delivered by members of the 4 expert…

Project Management Capacitation Programme for Teachers

Project Management Capacitation Programme for Teachers

The Project Management Capacitation Programme for Teachers (of all education levels) is scheduled to happen between 28-30 March in Aveiro (Portugal). The course will address the needs of teachers willing to be involved in international collaborative funded projects. It includes all the essentials for the understanding of the EU projects environment such as the rights…

2nd Transnational Project Meeting

2nd Transnational Project Meeting

It’s happening between today and tomorrow the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting of the ERA4SE Project. Due the pandemic it´s occurring through blend virtual within face-to-face (f2f) meeting in Spain, hosted by CPR – Murcia. This meeting has as agenda the planning ahead on the Intellectual Outputs as well as setting and discussing the project next…

C1 – I.I.S.S. Alessandro Volta

C1 – I.I.S.S. Alessandro Volta

Representing I. I. S. S. “Alessandro Volta” (Palermo – Italy) two teachers were (physically) present at the meeting in Greece (Rosa Piera Ribaudo and Giovanni Caccioppo) and one attended the meeting online (Francesco Gabriele Polizzi). All the teachers involved in have a rich experience in designing and managing local and national project. The teachers had…