ERA4SE’s Multiplier Event in Spain: IES Villa de Abarán

ERA4SE’s Multiplier Event in Spain: IES Villa de Abarán

The Multiplier Event organized by our Spanish partner IES Villa de Abarán was held on December 15th, and it has been another remarkable experience for ERA4SE project! During the event, the attendees were informed about the intentionality, methodology and results of ERA4SE project, thus raising awareness about ERASMUS+ programme and how it can be useful…

ERA4SE’s Multiplier Event in Greece: 3rd Gymnasium of Nikaias

ERA4SE’s Multiplier Event in Greece: 3rd Gymnasium of Nikaias

The Multiplier Event organized on December 14th by our Greek partner school, 3rd Gymnasium of Nikaias, has been a success! During the event, the attendees were informed about the rationale and methodology of ERA4SE project, thus raising awareness about ERASMUS+ programme and how it can be useful for boosting innovation into school education. Do not…

ERA4SE ends, but the results stay!

ERA4SE ends, but the results stay!

ERA4SE will get to an end this week, after the celebration of the Multiplier Events hosted by our four partner schools: IISS Alessandro Volta, Agrupamento de Escolas José Estêvão, 3rd Gymnasium Nikaias and IES Villa de Abarán. The events will focus on spreading the word about ERA4SE activity, methodology and results, to engage other teachers…

Final Conference of ERA4SE in Matosinhos, Portugal!

Final Conference of ERA4SE in Matosinhos, Portugal!

Our Final Conference in the Municipal Library Florbela Espanca of Matosinhos has already passed…but here we are to let you know about it! The session started with a presentation by guest speaker Manuel Fernandes from Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Educação e Formaçã, who explained the different particularities of KA1 and KA2 projects and how to apply for funding…

Summer School with S of SUCCESS!

Summer School with S of SUCCESS!

The school partners have visited Portugal once again! This time, with occasion of our Summer School, held in Aveiro between 24th to 28th of October. The schools got together to discuss their progress on elaborating their own projects, reflecting once again about the contents of the Staff Training Event held in March 2022 and the…

Ready for Summer School?

Ready for Summer School?

ERA4SE is little by little reaching the last stage of the project, and is now capital to consolidate and disseminate the knowledge gathered along these years. The school partners are now equipped with vast knowledge on how to develop and apply for their own projects, which will bring an array of benefits such as internationalization,…

ERA4SE (and everyone!) is back to school!!!

ERA4SE (and everyone!) is back to school!!!

September has arrived and, with it, a new school year. For kids it is an exciting and special time, finally meeting with all their friends after the long, slow-paced, life they had on summer 🏖️☀️ and getting ready to learn tons of new information 🤓. Teachers, though, haven’t stopped working during the summer! They need…

ERA4SE news to come!

ERA4SE news to come!

📣 The Consortium is preparing the translations for documents and materials in which we have been working hard! September will be the chosen month to disseminate the materials in the four languages of the organizations involved: Greek, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. The materials will be formed by the modules of the training course for teachers,…