
Final meeting in Portugal! AEJE and INOVA+ receive the international partners in Matosinhos

ERA4SE is racing away! Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th of November, AEJE hosts last TPM and the Final Conference of the project, which will help to arrange the last efforts before the project closure, set for December through the Multiplier Events organized by the schools in their respective countries.

The partners of the Consortium met at INOVA+’s facilities in Matosinhos, Portugal.

The first session of the TPM has focused on project administration and the last strategies for dissemination and exploitation of the project results, so keep posted to our social media to get to know more!

Tomorrow’s session will focus on the quality management and final reporting activities, so that we can easily explain to future consortiums how to get to be as successful and positive as ERA4SE has been for us.

In the afternoon, see you at the Biblioteca Municipal de Matosinhos, from 2PM, for the Final Conference of ERA4SE!

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